
Books Worth Talking About

Week #1 – Stumbling Toward Enlightenment — Geri Larkin 
Week#2 – Broken Open-How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow — E. Lesser 
Week #3 – The Mindful Path Through Worry and Rumination — Sameet Kumar 
Week #4 – Anger-Wisdom for Cooling the Flames — Thich Nhat Hanh

A four-week discussion group that is a “book club” for women who don’t have time to read books! You may be interested in reading and always intending to get to that book you have heard about or might enjoy, but often find yourself with other “priorities”. (Example-children, a job outside your home, a list of jobs inside your home, cleaning the garage, taking the dog to the vet, moving the piles of paper—you get the point…) Each week in this small group, ideas and practical strategies will be shared from four books containing life-guiding wisdom. Articles and short videos relating to each book will be shared both during and between meetings.

 “I read a book one day and my whole life was changed.
– Orhan Pamuk